Friday, February 16, 2007

16 february 2006 - Antwerpen, Belgium

Harry Heirmans rolling all the leftovers of my installation "DDV in China" at Factor44 in a great ball.

1899 (-) President Felix Faure dies in the act of making love to murderess Marguerite Steinheil in Paris, France.
1940 (+) Musician and born-again politician Sonny Bono is born in Detroit, Michigan, USA.
1954 (-) Wife-murderer and matricider Donald Merret aka Ronald Chesney, commits suicide by a shot through the head at the age of 46 in Köln, Germany.
1955 (x) Over 100 Die in elderly home fire in Yokohama, Japan.
1958 (-) Serial Killer Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großten Todmacher, commits suicide by hanging in his prison cell at the age of 33 in Hannover, Zuchthaus Celle, Germany.
1963 (-) Constance Madrill is raped and strangled by Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare, at the age of 24 in West Perth, Western, Australia.
1965 (-) Bridget O’Hara aka Bridget Moore, is found naked and dead, choked to death by Jack the Stripper at the age of 27 in London, United Kingdom.
1970 (x) 150 Die in train derailment in Nigeria.
Afterwards 52 ‘survivors’ died in a truck crash.
1972 (-) Leslie Richardson is attacked by Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther Killer, in Heywood, Lancashire, United Kingdom.
1978 (-) Cindy Hudspeth is raped and strangled by Kenneth Bianchi aka The Hillside Strangler, at the age of 20 in Los Angeles, Glendale, 703 East Colorado Street, California, USA.
1978 (-) William Kindred aka Billy Shotgun, is strangled by John Gacy aka The Killer Clown, at the age of 19 in Chicago, Des Plaines, Illinois, USA.
1979 (-) Lila Bratislav is raped and strangled by Metod Torinus aka The Vampire Killer, at the age of 20 in Kocevska Reka, Yugoslavia.
1990 (-) Artist Keith Haring dies of aids at the age of 31 in New York, New York, USA.
1999 (-) Triple Murderer Johnie Cox is executed by lethal injection at the age of 42 in Varner, Arkansas, USA.
1999 (-) Triple Murderer Andrew Cantu is executed by lethal injection at the age of 31 in Huntsville Prison, Texas, USA.
2000 (-) Cop Killer Anthony Chaney is executed by lethal injection at the age of 45 in State Prison, Florence, Arizona, USA.

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